The Tantric Nature Connection
Embracing Nature for Spiritual Connection and Harmony
Everything in nature is telling us about the power of life force and how everything is interconnected and how everything is about sex.
The word sex is interchangeable with the word life. You think I go too far? No, I assure you, EVERYTHING in nature, including humans, is about sex. I will go even further out on a limb and say that everything in life is about sex. Just not quite sex how we usually see it however.
Our view of sex tends to be, well, extremely distorted to put it mildly. We confuse it with eroticism, with lust, with romance and emotional love, with pornography etc. We also confuse sex with our experience of it whether that be good, bad, indifference, mixed, painful, ecstatic…in other words we generally mistake sex for what we think and believe it is. And in truth, that is not so for at it’s purest, sex is the polarity interchange between the masculine or positive pole, and the negative or feminine pole. That we have an issue with that is of course ridiculous…and yet that is exactly what our society does has an issue with. I believe that most of the world’s human population have misunderstanding about to one degree or another. I also believe that this misunderstanding is about fear of our own life force power – this is what causes us to suppress, to repress our sexual life force.
When anything is suppressed or repressed it doesn’t disappear, it just comes up in a distorted way.
Sex is one of the two greatest fears of life, the other being death. And having fear of these two great mysteries is the cause of all the world’s disease and abuse of power. I don’t say these things and make these claims lightly and generally speaking tend to leave the deeply mystical and philosophical and metaphysical stuff to private conversations. That’s something that is changing now as I find it’s impossible to discuss tantra without talking about the deeper aspects of it and how it’s impossible to separate life from nature and why it’s essential if we wish to feel fulfilled in life to know nature as intimately as we wish to know ourselves.
Why nature and sexuality, or well-being? Because the act of being in nature helps us to reset to natural, and natural knows no shame.
All shame arises from shame of being; shame is about how we feel about our inherent self, our body, whilst guilt is about how we feel about something we have done, shame is about what we ARE.
How you treat nature is how you treat your body
How you think of nature is how you think of your body
The view taken for centuries that nature is hostile and frightening and needs to be controlled and dominated, plundered and used as resources and used for own ends is exactly the same way in which the feminine principle has been treated too. That this has manifested as the patriarchal system which dominates women and treats them as possessions does not mean that it is solely women who experience this. As we are all made up of both masculine and feminine, we conduct this war within ourselves. As said above, my understandings are that all disease and lack of peace arise from fear of our own power which is made up of masculine and feminine ‘components’. Or more accurately, separated into these two aspects.
Nature therapy, mindfulness walks in nature and forest bathing are all on the increase. Apparently Scottish doctors can now prescribe it. That’s great but the point I want to get across which is not just about the benefits of how good nature is for us: it’s that Nature is not something we go out into; it IS what we are. Our body is nature itself. First, Nature. Not second nature. FIRST Nature. If you are a believer that the earth needs saving then I encourage you to first challenge yourself and question your own beliefs about your body and your sexual self along with your beliefs on ownership, possessions and free will for if you are truly at one with nature then there is nothing left in you that feels it has to determine or direct nature.
Changing our ideas of what we are will change things in the earth as a whole. This is what is also meant by not being separate from nature.
When we do that we can find ourselves more at peace with what is so. It’s being out of alignment with our true nature that makes things challenging for us – we lose perspective very easily when we’re in pain or suffering and it’s very easy to go into a downward spiral and become entrenched in misery. Even before I truly understood about how interconnected we are with nature and how believing we are separate causes untold suffering I would often give tantra clients advice of getting out into nature on a very regular basis. It’s one of the easiest, simplest things that most of us can do to help ourselves have a healthier and more peaceful life.
Tantra is about getting back to what is natural, what is our first nature: re-booting and allowing a connection with the Earth to take hold of us.
Based in Aberfoyle, Stirling, and easily reachable from Glasgow, Stirling, Perth, and Edinburgh, I have a range of accommodation options to suit your needs. Choose from cozy self-catering spaces, comfortable hotels, or rustic cabins in the woods, all perfect for your Tantric Nature Retreat. Feel free to give me a call at +44 7968 768058 for a chat, or send an inquiry via the Contact Form.