What My Clients Say
It’s an honour to work with incredible people from all walks of life.
My clients come from diverse backgrounds, locations and age groups to study with me. Read their reviews to learn how Tantra changed their world.
An Intuitive and Gentle Teacher
Multiple times I have received the beautiful lightwork of Kundalini Reiki from Lynn and I always felt this immense peace around me the hours and days after her treatment. Her gentle & caring nature is already bringing relaxation into your being and a sense of safety that is so much needed to surrender to the Reiki energy. What amazes me is that she’s very intuitive and is able to translate that energy right after the session. So many potentials within my being opened up and helped me regaining the way back to my heart. This opened me up to also pursue doing the Kundalini Reiki training with her. I highly recommended to everyone!
Quick Results
I had my doubts, if I’m honest, about remote attuning – these were dispelled the minute I followed the instructions – it was like a switch had been turned on and I absolutely felt the whole download! I can’t imagine life before Kundalini Reiki, its simplicity of use means it has become a natural component in my daily routines, For such a powerful energy, I love the earthing it brings – clients are not only loving the benefits and effects but most want to be attuned asap as they too are finding things change and results appear very quickly after sessions!
One of the Best Teachers Around
You have created something really special Lynn and managed to share that in a way that is so accessible, safe and non-threatening. I am in the coaching business for a long time and you are one of the best I’ve come across, in many ways, and in particular in the way you so quickly created an atmosphere of safety and freedom and acceptance.
Amazing Stuff
Lynn, wanted to thank you so much for this life changing gift of Kundalini Reiki. I am using it every day be it meditation, reiki or attunements. I just LOVE it!!!! I feel it has brought such a greater sense of awareness and connection and am enjoying sharing it with others too. It’s amazing stuff!
Deep Sense of Peace
This is unlike any other Reiki or energy work I’ve experienced, and the 3 attunements are giving me such a very deep sense of my place on earth.
A Safe and Nurturing Experience
I had a wonderful experience on Tantric Nature Retreat with Lynn. I felt very safe and nurtured and I learned a lot. This retreat helped me to make some major shifts in my life. I highly recommend anyone who is thinking studying and spending time with Lynn and One Heart Tantra.
What gives Lynn the edge is she demonstrates by doing, and she explains everything slowly. Lynn is also very smart emotionally, she can read concerns in a snap, and deals with them there and then.
Ian & Bernice
Life Changing!
Thanks again for the time you spent with me on Monday; it really was an amazing experience, it is hard to believe what happened to me during the session. It must have been a deep experience … I certainly feel that it has changed my life! My head feels clearer it is almost as though my brain is lighter, if that makes sense. I am sleeping much better and waking up feeling much brighter, I’ve even found myself singing as I walked along, something I haven’t done for years!
Like Magic
The weekend you facilitated for us here in Washington State last October is still working its magic, and continues to open doors for me and my partner. As a result of what we learned and experienced we have become closer, more communicative and much more comfortable (if you can imagine that!) Thank you so much for your wisdom, sensitivity, humor and pragmatic approach. Come back!!
Warm and Nurturing
Thank you Lynn for the excellent training I received on the Tantra Foundation Course. I experienced such peace being with you and Isaac, such emotional bliss and a confidence boost. Thank you for creating such a warm and nurturing space in which I could confidently learn and express myself. Thank you also for the ongoing help and support. I know that you are always there for me… My loving Mentor.
Skilled and Sensitive
I think you are very skilled and sensitive and made the experience safe for me as a woman and in fact, possible. If anyone had said a month ago that I could be undressed in the presence of a woman I had never met before I would not have believed it. I don’t think life will ever be quite the same again now, I can’t go back to the place of fear and ignorance that I was at. Thank you so much.
A Great Investment
I’m finally sitting down to write an email to you to say a HUGE THANK YOU for the most amazing experience that Brian and I had in working with you for the 3 days. We both agreed that it was one of the best investments we ever made together. We will never forget it and know that it has and will continue to hugely enhance our already wonderful relationship.
You have created something really special Lynn and managed to share that in a way that is so accessible, safe and non-threatening. I am in the coaching business for a long time and you are one of the best I’ve come across, in many ways, and in particular in the way you so quickly created an atmosphere of safety and freedom and acceptance.
Powerful Experience
Thank you so very much for facilitating in me what I found to one of the most powerful experiences of my life. I have tried many things before but had nothing like this!
The one thing I have noticed is how much more grounded I am and I am now applying your advice about stepping back from the emotions to allow it to clear and it really works. I also feel noticeably more in my sexual energy and I was seeking that very much.
I had a sense too of how much understanding I got from you energetically and perhaps also something about the challenge … how would I present as a woman seeking sexual healing from another woman? ….. thank you from my heart for being open and courageous in this whole thing too.
With every Blessing, I would like to return, feel free to let me know when you are next here.
Goddess Energy
Soon enough I noticed that Lynn and Jayde’s energies had merged into one powerful goddess energy. I could not tell who was where on my body. There was no separation. I was part of this Oneness, along with the rest of the universe. The oneness permeated every breath, every movement, every touch… It was safe to let go. A fiery energy filled my entire being. I felt every cell of my body awakening, vibrating with life. Their tantalizing touch took over, and I gave in, moaning my way into total surrender. Their breasts brushing over my face and body, their hands consciously exploring every inch of me. There was powerful softness in their sensual touch. Arousal was pulsing through my yoni and through my heart. I felt so expanded that the concept of ‘I’ seemed meaningless in that moment. As the energy danced through my body, I met the divine in me. I was humbled by the simple and honest beauty of my essence. Much love to you both.
Healing and Unforgettable
Thank you very much for your guidance and empathy during our session. It was a truly unique experience for me, one that I must revisit and explore more fully. I’m sure most people have feelings similar to mine before their first experience, apprehension, nerves, doubt. However, it was washed away within minutes of meeting you. It is obvious that you have a wonderful gift for interpersonal skills. If anyone ever had a doubt as to whether or not they should experience Tantra they should contact you. It was an experience I will never forget – I visit Glasgow on a regular basis and would welcome the chance to try another session as I feel you have started me on a journey that can never end and one that will lead me to a better way to live. Thank you once again, I respect the divinity within you.
A Wonderful Experience
I would like to say that my last massage was simply a wonderful experience; a memory that will stay with me for the rest of my life. Even now, two months later, I feel great and so full of love. I feel quite jealous of you as you have a wonderful job bringing pleasure and fulfilment to people, plus you are an absolutely first class tantra goddess. Thanks Lynn for all you have given me
An Exciting New Journey
Thank you so much Lynn for our tantric experience with in Dublin recently – this has now opened up a new journey for us and we are so very glad we went to see you. You were very respectful and loving and a perfect rep for tantra, thank you for this introduction. We have been very fortunate to have met you. We will keep in touch and would hope to meet with you in the future.
Enjoying the Now
Thank you for last week and for sending me the tantric exercises! My tantra experience with you last week was certainly one of my physical and emotional highlights. I was buzzing on a high for days afterwards. I have also been thinking a lot of those feelings and emotions, as well as what you said. I have been reading up on tantra and have come across many of the points you mentioned e. g. receiving pleasure, living in the present, breathing and focusing. I will definitely continue my learning of tantra with you in the future, either with a private session or at a workshop. I want to learn more on releasing my blocks and to enjoy the “now” and will give this topic some thought and time for the coming months. Thanks again for your kindness and we will meet again soon.
Recommended Without Hesitation
I don’t normally e-mail anyone at this time on a Sunday morning before breakfast but I am so excited I had to tell you. About 20 minutes ago I had my first ever natural, un-assisted orgasm with my husband. (We’ve only been together 25 years!) I remembered to stay in my body and to keep breathing. At first I was “in my head”, thinking about other things, not present. With this realisation I decided to participate. I brought my attention back to my body and used the breathing techniques you have shown me (trying not to sound as if I was inflating a tyre) and focussed on my genitalia and pleasing myself. What can I say…………………… it happened. I feel like telling everybody, but they might find it a bit odd, especially strangers in the supermarket, so I will resist the temptation and make do with looking forward to any opportunity I can get to suggest tantra massage and tantra techniques to anyone I come into contact with that needs it. Thanks, you must be an angel!
An Inspiring Teacher
Great to meet you Lynn and thank you for your lovely words and encouragement!! :)) You’re an inspiring teacher and REALLY enjoyed your playshop. Has made me think about taking it further. Oh and I’ll be mixing the yummy chocolate and coconut real soon!
Relaxing and Enjoyable
Lynn is amazing at creating a safe and sacred space … I was so nervous about coming along, but when I realized that everyone else was too, I was able to relax and enjoy the experience. Never have I felt so honoured and loved as I did during this workshop. Thank you so much and I would definitely advise others who are feeling shy just to do it anyway!
Amazing Experience
Thanks for your time yesterday and your kind words. I felt I have learned a lot and it was an amazing experience. I don’t know if I will be able to remember all that you have taught me but I will try out what I do remember. You are a wonderful person!
Sacred Learning
Lynn was an incredible teacher and support. She also provides support to her students long after they complete their training. Lynn’s knowledge and teaching is intense and very enjoyable. I would highly recommend this course and have done to several other therapists. Thank you for such a wonderful experience!
Hi Lynn, I hope you got home safe. Just a quick message to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the last few days! Wow! I am still digesting it all and can’t wait for some quality time to get reading and researching.
Well this evenings’ client was the proof in the pudding for me. It has all gelled together for me. I used the Sacred Anointment, lots of Tantra Breath. My client had a fantastic release of energy which was very balanced and gentle. So all in all I really felt that he is on a new journey and welcoming it. The shift in him was so lovely. Again Lynn deepest thanks for all you shared and taught me. Stay in touch and please do come to visit some time soon.
Highly Recommended
I would highly recommend anyone who is interested in any aspect of Tantra to make time for this very professional Training Course ~ Lynn you openly share your knowledge and wisdom and help people feel safe and loved on every step of this wonderful journey. I have spent many beautiful times with you Lynn and it has been an honour and a joy to share sacred space together… with deep love and gratitude for all that you are and all that you do” ~ Namaste, Love you xx
Top Class Training
Yesterday I was reminded just how amazing Lynn’s training is – if anyone is thinking about this and would like to speak to someone who has experienced training from Lynn, then I’d be very happy to give any information you’d like!
A Deeply Moving Experience
Feeling so deeply and utterly moved by the profound beauty of each of the precious souls who shared this experience together. Thank you everyone for being so open to true intimacy… we created a beautiful sacred and sensual vessel in which we could be ourselves.
A Truly Profound Experience
It’s now 9 years since I completed my one-on-one Tantra Massage and Coaching professional training with Lynn. I’ve been in professional practice since then. I feel so much gratitude to Lynn for the depth and breadth of the training, which was superb, and the encouragement to take that leap into starting my own practice. Since then, the transformations I’ve seen in my clients as a result of doing this work have at times been truly profound. If you think you may have a calling to this sacred work I highly recommend that you book a ‘My Calling’ consultation with Lynn to discuss. I feel so blessed and grateful for having had the opportunity to train with her and for the ripple effect that’s still going strong all these years later.
My Most Valuable Teacher to Date
I attended Lynn’s Tantra Massage Training in 2021, where I received professional and high-quality instruction. Under Lynn’s knowledgeable guidance, I experienced rapid growth, and consider her my most valuable teacher to date. The practical, spiritual, and relational style of the training has impacted my life in unexpected ways, expanding my personal and professional horizons. As a social worker and yoga teacher, I now feel more connected to the energy world. I highly recommend Lynn’s teaching, and am eternally grateful for her support.