Lynn Paterson
Tantric Practitioner & Teacher
My name is Lynn Paterson and I’m the founder and owner of One Heart Tantra. I’m an accomplished and experienced teacher, guide and practitioner in the field of Tantra, conscious sexuality, and transformation.
As well as being a Reiki Master, I have an extensive background in shamanism, Tantra, healing, interpersonal work and energy modalities.
My natural empathy, intuition, warmth, humour and insight, helps others reconnect to the inherent life force within them: bringing about awakening and self-empowerment, and creating pathways to change through inner awareness.
Based in the glorious faery kingdom of Aberfoyle in The Trossachs, Central Scotland, I spend a lot of time outdoors, exploring and communing with the spirits of Nature.
I am also a public speaker and a writer and I run a busy practice, offering private sessions, retreats and training courses. I teach in Scotland and throughout the UK and Europe.
Read more about my exploration into spirituality and sexuality at my blog Where Angels Fear To Tread.
Tantra is like Nature; it is always about freedom, always about flow. Tantra is about opposites, and the union of opposites. Tantra is Life, it’s about accepting who and what we are. This takes courage but the rewards are so high … and it’s such fun too!
Lynn Paterson
How I Work
The mission and focus of One Heart Tantra is to provide experiences and teachings that lead to positive and powerful transformations. My sessions blend together various practices and rituals to shift and transform energy.
Bodywork · Tantra · Shamanism · Kundalini · Breath Work · Tantric Rituals · Tantric Massage · Clearing · Energy Play · Awareness · Active Meditation · Conscious Touch · Energy Weaving · Guided Visualisations · Core Re-Patterning
Old patterns, beliefs and ways of being, prevent spiritual and sexual energy from flowing freely and expressing itself. When our illusions, doubts, shame, guilt and unworthiness are peeled away, we discover our ecstatic nature, our essential being.
Healing and unifying mind, body, spirit and sexuality is life-changing. Tantra heals and helps us to live more fully in the now, enjoying a new clarity, feeling at home on Earth and seeing the beauty and aliveness in ourselves and others.
Lynn is one of the very few beings I have crossed paths with in this journey who exudes wisdom and sensuality in both the physical and metaphysical plane. It is a pleasure to share her insights and to feel her presence.
Chloe, 5-star review
Professional Background
As well as being one of the foremost Tantric professionals in the UK, I am also a skilled and experienced practitioner in the fields of Breath-work, Meditation, Reiki, Crystal healing, Energy Clearing Work, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Indian head massage and Magnified Healing. I have studied in Europe and internationally for over 25 years, with many skilled and expert teachers.
- Pelvic Heart Integration with Dr Deborah Anapol
- Tantra Massage Professional Qualification with Maria Du Toit
- Sexual Shamanism with Dr Kenneth Ray Stubbs
- ISTA Level One
- Accredited Teacher of Angels and Ascension with Diana Cooper
- Reiki Master and Kundalini Reiki Master
- Trager Level 1
Find out how Tantra can enhance and improve all aspects of your life. Book an initial complimentary telephone consultation with me via the Contact Form.